ISO 14066 Competence for GHG validation and verification teams > Newsletter | GPC-ISO, Auditor Certification

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ISO 14066 Competence for GHG validation and verification teams

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Name GPC인증원
Comment 0 View 3,774Time Date 22-08-19 14:53


ISO 14066

ISO 14066 is a standard that stipulates the competence requirements for the greenhouse gas (GHG) validation teams and verification teams. Published in 2011, it defines the competence requirements for validation teams and verification teams for the benefit of GHG programme administrators, regulators, validation bodies and verification bodies. ISO 14066 is also published to maintain consistency in the international market and public confidence in GHG reports and other communications, complementing ISO 14065 as a basis for recognizing and evaluating the eligibility of the validation teams and verification teams.

※ ISO 14065 – A standard that stipulates the general principles and requirements of bodies that perform Validation/Verification of environmental information. ISO 14065 also includes principles and requirements for competence, consistent operation and impartiality of bodies performing Validation/Verification by partially applying ISO/IEC 17029.

ISO 14066< ISO 14066 >

The knowledge and skills of the personnel

The validation teams and verification teams should have knowledge of :

  • •  GHG programme knowledge
  • •  Technical knowledge
  • •  Data and information auditing knowledge
  • •  Team leader knowledge
    • -  The scope, criteria, objective, materiality and level of assurance of the validation or verification
    • -  The competence of team members
    • -  Validation or verification of related risks
    • -  Project, resource, and team management

Validation teams and verification teams collectively shall have the necessary skills to perform validation and verification activities. Examples of applicable skills include the ability to :

  • •  Retrieve relevant information and apply the knowledge in a manner appropriate for the work
  • •  Understand the meaning, translation, and interpretation of information
  • •  Think critically and analyse multiple inputs
  • •  Distinguish between facts and inferences and exercise professional scepticism
  • •  Carry out independent research to challenge assumptions and evidence asserted by a responsible party or client
  • •  Strike a balance between attention to detail and a high-level assessment of the anticipated outcome during the validation or verification process
  • •  Manage detail, particularly at the level of ensuring that required checks are performed
  • •  Evaluate the information, data, and assumptions and make professional judgements
  • •  Apply validation and verification methods in expected and unanticipated situations
  • •  Communicate the validation or verification process and results
The knowledge and skills of the personnel< The knowledge and skills of the personnel >

The maintain of knowledge and skills of the personnel

Validation teams and verification teams is competent on the basis of the team’s collective knowledge, skills, and abilities. For the purposes of achieving initial or supplemental qualifications to undertake validation or verification activities for given sectors, a validator or verifier shall demonstrate his/her knowledge and skills through a variety of methods, including, but not limited to :

  • check Education
  • check Training
  • check Work experience relevant to the competence required for the activity
  • check Tutoring or mentoring by more experienced staff

Also, such personnel should maintain knowledge and skills through ongoing awareness of developments in GHG management, including relevant national and international GHG programmes, climate science and relevant legal requirements.

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