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Accreditation and Certification

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Name GPC인증원
Comment 0 View 1,832Time Date 21-07-30 17:12


Accreditation is to confirm that a Conformity Assessment Body has the internationally required competence and is performing conformity assessment activities fairly. Accreditation ensures all interested party confidence in conformity assessment.

hierarchy of accredited certification< hierarchy of accredited certification >

The Accreditation Body ensures that the competence of Conformity Assessment Bodies and the results of conformity assessments they perform are globally reliable through MLA (Multilateral Recognition Arrangement). Through this, it is contributing to the revitalization of international trade by resolving the inconvenience of having to undergo repeated evaluations and providing a means to overcome international technological trade barriers.

Certification is a third-party attestation related to products, processes, systems or persons.

System certification is the process of verifying that a specific management system has been established and implemented, and Product certification is the process of verifying that a product, including services and processes, meet requirements specified in contracts, regulations, or specifications. In addition, Personnel certification bodies such as GPC confirm that the legitimacy and competence of personnel to perform their duties have been verified.

Certification Bodies evaluates whether the subject meets the specified requirements and issues a certificate if they are met. Through certification by a certification body, the identity of the certificate holder can be proved. Therefore, Certification Bodies should perform as a third party that can give reliability, and continuously strives to improve it.

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